We take care of you - personally & on site.

As your personal personnel consultant, we take care of your needs. In addition to a permanent employment relationship, we take care of a lot more for you so that you can work well:

• Insurances: With us, depending on your assignment in Switzerland, Austria or Liechtenstein, you are fully insured (pension, illness, accident…).
• The settlement is based on governmental framework conditions. Included are allowances, supplements, special payments, vacation, daily allowance, etc.
• We organize your arrival and departure and support you in finding accommodation.
• All information is available online at any time via the employee portal.
• Our .mse card with many extras* is at your disposal.
(*regional benefits)

.mse – your full-service provider

Whether you are a newcomer to the job market, a returning employee, or a career changer, we will be happy to take care of you. Because you know: We at .mse are your full-service provider and will guide you safely through the application jungle all the way to permanent employment or personnel leasing. Honest, competent, appreciative.

We do everything so that you can work well. That’s what we mean by smart working.

Our references speak for us.

Your ticket to a new job – .mse.

Getting to know new things is good for you. It opens up unimagined perspectives. In your private life as well as in your job. As your reliable personnel consultant, we support you in making a change.

Why .mse is the right partner?

• Because we are the largest provider in the region.
• Because we are experienced: We have been in this business for over 30 years.
• Because we are professionals: For each industry, we employ experts who take care of your needs individually.
• Because our network offers us a lot of job opportunities.

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