Commercial, technical and gastronomy jobs are in high demand. We arrange the optimal job for you.
Do you have a commercial education? Or one in the tax or insurance sector? You are a system administrator or have relevant skills in wholesale and foreign trade? Good. We have the right job for you. And, if you wish, your future employer can also outsource all the tasks that concern you to us. But let us worry about all that. Because you should have no worries.
We take care of all organizational and administrative tasks relevant to you and guarantee maximum knowledge of the industry. Because: .mse personal service maintains experts for all areas and therefore has exactly the right know-how. We know the world of work like no one else.
The competitive edge – to use the words of a well-known company – comes from technology. We make sure that you can put your technical know-how to the test. And we do this by finding them the job that is perfectly tailored to them. Guaranteed. In addition to recruiting, we also take care of all other human resources tasks relevant to companies.
In doing so, we guarantee companies, not least through our .mse Top Jobs section, that only highly qualified and therefore absolutely suitable personnel are placed, especially in the technical field. Because we also consider this to be an integral part of our work.
Not only, but also due to our location in the vicinity of different tourism regions, jobs in the gastronomy belong to our core industry. In other words: we will find a job for you. No matter if you are a cook, a waitress or a receptionist. And for all companies who like to concentrate on their main business, we offer the opportunity to transfer all matters concerning personnel to us.
And thus ensure greater efficiency. Because that is what we are here for.
The purest form of insanity is to leave everything as it is and at the same time hope that something will change.
T: +41 58 726 26 21
T: +43 5572 20800521
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