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More in demand than ever: healthcare professionals.

Social and health care is a broad field. We cover it.


There’s no question about it: our health is our top priority. For us, too. That’s why we’re creating an offer for specialist staff and for healthcare providers, so that there’s no vacuum in this perhaps most important of all fields. We place nursing assistants as well as specialists and senior physicians, thus ensuring that you, as an employer, can fulfill your profession and vocation. Oh yes: If desired, we not only take care of recruiting for healthcare providers, but also all other administrative tasks in the personnel area. It pays off.

One of our core concerns is to provide potential employers with the best qualified personnel without exception. Because: Health has priority. Consequently, this sector requires a correspondingly sensitive and intelligent approach. We have the necessary expertise.


Nine-tenths of our happiness is based on health alone.

Arthur SchopenhauerPhilosopher

Social & health

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No vacancy that suits you? Let's try a spontaneous application.

We guide you through your application.

Faten Hamouda

Digital Marketing / Recruitment

T: +41 58 726 26 70

Markus Schulze

Branch Manager St.Margrethen

T: +41 58 726 26 21
T: +43 5572 20800521

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