We give you secure support so that you can shape your professional future without worries.
Know-how through experience
We are your experienced partner in your search for a new job.In over 30 years we have gained the experience that makes us the number 1 for all job seekers. In Liechtenstein and Switzerland, more than 30 experts ensure that you find the right job.
In these countries we find your new challenge:
Because we take care of you. Personal, committed and with know-how.
.mse – Your expert in the region
Getting to know new things is good for you. Opens unexpected perspectives. In your private life as well as in your job. As your reliable personnel consultant, we support you in implementing a change.
Why is .mse the right partner?
Our figures speak for themselves*:
That’s the time we take for you.
Response time.
*Data refers to the period 01.01.2019 – 31.12.2019
As your personal HR consultant we look after your interests. Apart from a permanent work contract we take care of many other things besides, so you can do your job properly:
(* Regional benefits)
.mse – Your full-service provider
Whether you are starting out on your career, going back to work, or changing your profession, we are happy to take care of you. Because you can be sure: We at .mse are your full-service provider and guide you safely through the application jungle to your permanent post or temporary contract. Honest, competent, appreciative.
We do everything to ensure you can do your job properly. That’s what we call Smart Working.
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